Yearly, the month of March is dedicated to celebrating women all over the year and with the year 2022 International Women’s Day theme – #BreakTheBias, our PMSGWomen have come together to write about how they’d be overcoming their self limiting beliefs.
Despite the challenges, stereotypes, discrimination, we choose to take on the responsibility of owning our thoughts and actions. We choose to speak up.
Read their articles below:
Overcoming my Self-limiting Beliefs
‘Florence you’re not enough’, ‘you’re too ambitious’, ‘you don’t have enough experience’. Then came the What if thoughts – ‘what if people find out I was just winging it?’, ‘what if I don’t make it in this industry?’
These are all just a few thoughts in my head, thoughts I have struggled with, thoughts I let get to my wonderful being, thoughts I have let keep me from putting myself out there, finally thoughts I have made peace with and had to overcome gradually.
I have come to realize that self affirmation is a really strong weapon, you have to tell yourself and BELIEVE that you’re more than enough. I have quit letting other people’s unsolicited opinions dictate how my life should/could be. This is the best gift I have given myself lately and I hope you’d do the same too because you’re awesome 💜
– By Florence Ogunbore
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On breaking your own biases…
I think the first thing you have to know is no one has it all figured out. You’ll need this mindset more than anything as you begin to see people, men and women alike, who are already doing the things you’re still simply aspiring to do. At that point, it’d look like, everyone has left you behind and they’re flying so high. If you don’t hold yourself firmly, you’d begin to hate your “slow” pace. Hey! Again I tell you, no one has it all figured out.
See, there’s this one thing my PM teacher will always tell me and the other ladies, ” you have to keep moving”. I’ve heard it too often to forget. In fact, #nevertobefoundnotmoving.
The way to break your own biases is to give those biases a long and hard stare, then do the exact opposite of what they would have you do; the big moves you think you cannot take yet, make sure to take them. For instance, ” I’m a girl, I cannot play the drums”. As a matter of fact, you can and you will if you make a definite move towards it.
Finally, always know that it’s okay to start small. With consistent good work, small will not always remain small. Days of little beginnings are alright. Go out there and do exactly what you want to do ” #breakyourbiases
– By Boluwatife Sowo
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Hey Anastacia, you are gorgeous, you are amazeballs ??an inspiration, an amazing being a strong woman. Don’t doubt yourself you can do all things through Christ. So life isn’t always going to be rosy neither will it be a joy ride. Some days might bring tears, laughter and some both. Hey don’t give up, the t hought of inspiring the next generation of strong women in my own little way has always kept me going, so you there reading this remember you don’t always have to be an expert, you don’t have to know everything and there will be days when you are tired, shutting the world out. overwhelmed, when you feel like giving up and But you just have to get in there and break that bias , kick ?
You are a badass and show them that you are WOMAN, show up and let them know your super power is YOU! ⭐ woman go forth and SHINE!
– By Anastasia Odogwu
BREAK THE BIAS: Overcoming Self-limiting Beliefs
As a woman, second guessing myself is something I deal with all the time. The imposter syndrome that makes you feel like you’re not good enough or that the things you have achieved are not what you deserve. These feelings are what I’ve worked day and night to overcome, they are the biases I’m breaking daily.
I tell myself that I am worthy of good things, worthy of achieving the dream I so desire to achieve, worthy of being appreciated, worthy of the compliments and honour I’ve received.
To break the bias is simply to put a stop to the inclination and prejudice for or against one person, group or thing. So when I say I’m breaking these biases daily, I’m saying I’m putting a stop to feeling inferior, I’m putting a stop to feeling I can’t do it. I’m putting a stop to being treated like a weakling or a fragile object that would break at the slightest pull or push.
– By Oluwabukunmi Ayodeji.
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Breaking the Bias
I’m too old.” “I can never be a business owner.” “Someone has already done it.” Most times, We set barriers for ourselves that limit us from accomplishing our goal or task. We instill these self-deprecating thoughts in our head and they prevent us from seeing the possibility of a positive change in our lives. How do we break free from these limiting beliefs
We need to realize that these changes may take time; it requires small steps with dedication and a full pound of confidence. Breaking free from self limiting beliefs requires a new change of thoughts: There should always be positive, self reassuring thoughts in our mind that encourages us even when we fail or believe we cannot make it. We should never doubt our skills or ability to accomplish a task – Try that new role, learn that new skill- Always keep on motivating yourself.
In my product management(PM) study group, our mentor always reminds us that we are not too small to make it only if we believe in ourselves. I would love to conquer the fear of failure as I continue my PM journey; always believing that I can make it despite the obstacles I face and not let biases or self limiting beliefs pull me down.
– By Onodingene Afomachukwu Theresa

BREAK THE BIAS: Overcoming Self Limiting Beliefs
Dear woman,
Yes, you 🙂
Tell me what comes to your mind when you hear the statement “Break the bias”? – take a minute to think about it and write down one, two or three words that come to your mind.
Really what do we mean when we say break the bias? Is it just about having a voice or a say at the table? Or championing inclusiveness or even taking a stand against discrimination in our world? As much as all these are important, there is a skeleton in the cupboard that we need to fish out and address.
Google lets us understand that a bias is an inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair.
When we talk about unfairness we tend to look at our environment/people around us and most times end up playing the victim card. As much as addressing these physical factors is not wrong it is essential to realise that certain intangible conditioning/factors need attention too. Have you ever thought of yourself being unfair to YOU? – No? Yes?
You can indeed be unfair to you!!
In this light, I believe that one bias we need to break is that of limiting beliefs. The “what if”, “I can not”, “I do not have experience”, “I am not qualified”, “ I am not old enough”, “I do not know enough” etc. syndrome. You know as a young girl starting her career in tech at the age of 16 a few years back it wasn’t easy for me. I heard all sorts of things that was had the potential of putting a stop to my journey. Some voices in my head and space. I felt I had to be perfect, I thought I had a lot to prove. I was under both mental and emotional pressure.
This was unfair to me!!
A few years down the line I am in a better place because I decided to own my thoughts and make my limitations my driving force. Like one of my favourite people on this internet, John Obidi will always say “There may be things that you can not do, but what can you do?”. I started focusing on what I could do at the time (trust me I went all out !!) and I was committed to building my capacity to accommodate what I could not do.
Dear woman, perfection is a myth.
Break your own bias, make that mistake, learn from it, watch yourself leap and see your dreams become a reality.
Happy International Women’s Day 🎉
Say this with me:
I am not my limitation.
I take the limiting thoughts and I convert them to energy-giving force.
I break my own bias and I permit myself to experience my desired reality.
I acknowledge that everyone is on a journey and I am not exempt.
Author: Awajioyem Miracle Ikoawaji
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Breaking Self-limiting Beliefs
It is so funny how we spend too much time as women worrying about what everyone and the society thinks of us. We go about seeking validation from society, looking to receive their approval and cheer before taking the first step or simply “Doing it afraid“.
Even as we set on breaking biases in the world today by establishing a world of gender equality, diversity, equity and inclusion for a sustainable tomorrow, I want every woman to break every self-limiting beliefs by saying;
I am beautiful.
I am the best me in the whole world.
I am deserving of every good thing and more.
I exude confidence and radiate positive energy everywhere I go.
I am constantly growing, evolving and becoming my best self.
I have unlimited potential and I create the life I want.
Mistakes are a part of life and they help me to grow.
Today, I exchange my need to always seek validation for my need to always seek self growth and development.
I am improving myself and getting closer to my dreams everyday.
I refuse to give up.
– By Lilian Anyanwu
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What are the self limiting beliefs you are committed to breaking?
THE ENEMY WITHIN, has to be the greatest battle every woman has to fight. That moment when you think you should wait till you have just that picture perfect in life, career or even plans and boom questions start setting in and then you see a million and one reason why you shouldn’t do what you have to do, reasons why you shouldn’t take the steps, reason not to start up the business, reasons not to chase the ideas, reason you shouldn’t this, reason you shouldn’t that… Reasons are always and will always be there, the enemy within will always make you believe that you are not good enough, you would be reminded that you do not even have the experience, ooh you would be reminded of how many similar things you have tried and it didn’t work, reminders would flow.
Hey girl! Relax, you’ve got to tell yourself, I am not stopping, I am not quitting, I will try, retry, and keep trying till I get it, because if you don’t someone else would, why don’t you chase your dream so someone else won’t live your dream-it hurts.
So girl you’ve got to develop the angel within. Get ready to be the change the world has been waiting for. Break free from the enemy within and develop THE ANGEL WITHIN.
– By Noibi Oluwadamilola
Overcoming self limiting beliefs – Imposter Syndrome
Imposter syndrome, fear of failure are things everyone struggle with from time to time. Sometimes I doubt my competence, my ability, I feel I’m not qualified despite my experience(no matter how little). “I can’t do it, it’s not meant for me” I keep doubting my ability and strength.
But one thing I have come to understand about imposter syndrome is that it leads to procrastination, and procrastination itself is another deadly limitation. So, instead of allowing myself wallow in limitations, I rise up to the task.
I do it anyway(either right or wrong). I no longer tell myself “I can’t do it” the question now is “how can I do it”. This simple question has helped me belief in myself and overcome fear of failure or imposter syndrome when they arise.
I have come to realise it’s okay for me to have some weaknesses but I wouldn’t let that be a set back. The same thing I want you to believe – your strengths can cover for your weaknesses.
– By Deborah Olayiwola

What an amazing day to be alive and to be a black woman!
I have been blessed and fortunate in my career to work with, and be supported by people who have respected me as a professional, regardless of my gender. I have also had to deal with my own fair share of bias, because of my gender and the colour of my skin.
On this day, let’s continue to play our part to #break the bias that as a woman, “you can’t have it all.”
The bias that a woman has to always choose between a successful career and a great home.
The bias that even voluntarily choosing either makes her less of herself.
The bias that the biological and emotional characteristics of a woman makes her less human.
The bias that you can dream but not too much so that you do not look intimidating. You can be ambitious but not too much so that you don’t make men insecure. You can be confident but not too much so that you don’t seem bossy and arrogant.
Dear Woman, know that you are never nothing less. YOU ARE ALWAYS ENOUGH.
I want to specially celebrate every woman for fighting hard to break the biases and smash glass ceilings. I celebrate women, who against all odds and bias, keep striving to keep their heads up high, hoping for a better tomorrow.
I celebrate me, for being a woman, for standing up for myself and for breaking the biases that stand on my way.
– By Gladys Ojelade
If I don’t take care of them, WHO WILL?
– Popular brand
The cliché above has long created deep bias in an average woman on this side of the world. The definition of a woman has been reduced to a caregiver, a home builder and a stay-at-home.
The perceived African culture mixed with religious beliefs have long move women to the backstage of relevance in making social impact in our world.
So, I was on a call with my Lawyer friend:
Me: Helloooo
Lawyer: How are you doing, strong woman! We are blessed to have such women like you back in our society.
Me: I don’t get, I thought I am weird, career driven and not…
Lawyer friend: Oh…you are actually demonstrating the gene of the ancient African women. Women with vigor, dauntless and bravery. Most of the ancient women fought for their communities, champion cause of change in their time…
Me: Why do we now have a different world of bias in our society?
Lawyer friend: The Asian culture (religious sentiment), women are perceived to be weak. The need for them to be at home and never to be seen. This religious beliefs penetrated into the African settings and render brave women redundant.
Me: Woooowwww
Lawyer friend: There is a need to educate the female child and break the bias in their mind. The need to encourage women to dare opportunities, growth and networking. Both sexes are not weak but strong to complement each other. And none should be treated lesser than each other.
Me: Thanks so much. You just woke the Lioness in me.
In conclusion, if I don’t take care of them, GOD WILL or THEY WILL… take care of them.
I am more than a caregiver, I am a nation builder!
I am breaking the Bias!
– By Oluwaseun Agboola
A limiting barrier I can identify with is fear, fear is like a cage that traps anyone that gives it permission. Fear is just an emotion that creates negative thoughts that hinders us from becoming the best version of ourselves. Losing, failing, hurting and any other negative feelings are roadblocks to achieving our goals. Your goals become possible to achieve when you eliminate fear.
“The best way to live life is to live it without fear of failing or losing”
Failure is an opportunity to launch you into your next phase, the more you conquer the fear of failing the more unstoppable you become, and your possibility mindset expands.
Fear can come in different ways; it can hinder us from
- Starting that new business idea because of the fear of losing capital or investment
- Taking that leadership role as a woman because of the fear of what people will say
- Starting that beautiful relationship because of the fear of making the wrong choice
- Leaving that relationship because of the fear of not finding someone
- And so on…
Want to make the best decision, don’t think of “what if”. What if is like a matches that lights up the flames of fear. Have you heard of the saying – “what you think is what you attract”, in most cases our fear turns out to be our reality but when you treat challenges as opportunity to learn and improve on yourself, you’ll make better decision and reduce the flames of fear.
What are you scared of? lets do a small exercise, take out you pen and book and answer this question:
what is that one thing you’ll like to do but you’re scared it won’t turn out the way you want it?
Trust me life becomes interesting when you take that decision to conquer fear, as humans we are created with a purpose to fulfil, life can be empty and meaningless if we don’t find that purpose and workout a strategy to achieve it.
Result gives us strength to keep pushing.
Decide today to start that business, enter that relationship, leave that relationship, execute that strategy, do whatever you want to do (as far as its legal), don’t dwell in your thoughts of how its going to work, trying to answer all the questions before you start because life is unpredictable, not everything is in our control. Become that leader, don’t let fear and society hold you back. As a woman, focus on offering value instead of focusing how badly we are treated. Our mothers and aunties have spoken, and it has gotten us to a point but not exactly where we want, to get to where we need, we need to put our energy on ourselves, on the value we bring not competing with the male gender, be the force that drive change.
To all my queens out their breaking limits and setting the pace, thank you for becoming the example we need, we appreciate and love you.
I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard or thought to myself, “I’m not enough”
It’s something that women from all walks of life struggle with on a daily basis. We constantly tell ourselves things like:
- “I’m not smart enough to go back to school.”
- “I’m not qualified enough to apply for that job.”
- “I’m not strong enough to start working out.”
- “I’m not educated enough to start my own business.”
- “I’m not experienced enough to be taken seriously.”
The list goes on and on, but there is one constant: we are our worst critics. These self-limiting beliefs have brainwashed us into thinking that we’re not good enough just the way we are. These are beliefs that hold us back from reaching our full potential, whether they come from our parents, teachers, friends or family members who tell us we need to be a certain way in order to fit in.
The truth about self-limiting beliefs is that they are always lies.
Yes, let me say that again, they are lies.
So, we can either make a decision to allow these beliefs to get stronger or take the steps to stop them from holding us back.
I’m committed to breaking this self-limiting belief by accepting myself the way I am, having faith in my potential, and replacing this belief with empowering ones.
I’m enough.
– By Lilian Ekpere